Custom Inquire script for Tekla Structures


Small evolving of previous example. Here list of required atributes is set by text mask, elements is separated by semicolon, result pushed to table view. In this way it sems much more nice and useful for quick inquire model parts. And it works with all kind of model objects. Even model itself.

Macro could be downloaded from DOWNLOAD SCRIPT

How to manage with these you could find here

Any kind of notices or ideas are welcome in comments.

Continue reading “Custom Inquire script for Tekla Structures”

Number list of drawings in Tekla Structures Macro.

Sometimes required start-to-end numbering. Clear and consistent list of numbers for each drawing. There are many different ways to solve issue this kind. As for me, I prefer to use a small and useful script.

What we will do is to set for each selected drawing in drawings list a number, one by one these will get a straight list of numbers.

So first we have to get access to a list of selected drawings. Then move through each element, and add a number. Isn’t pretty simple it? Listing of script is also small and useful, so you could rearrange it for your needs.

namespace Tekla.Technology.Akit.UserScript
    using TSD = Tekla.Structures.Drawing;
    using System.Windows.Forms; //used for
    public class Script
        public static void Run(Tekla.Technology.Akit.IScript akit)
		MessageBox.Show("Total number of drawings: " + CAD_NumberSelectedDrawings().ToString());

      static int CAD_NumberSelectedDrawings()
            int i = 0; //register number counter
            var CurrentDrawingHandler = new TSD.DrawingHandler(); // get current drawing handler
            var drawingsEnum = CurrentDrawingHandler.GetDrawingSelector().GetSelected(); //list of selected drawings
            while(drawingsEnum.MoveNext()) //going through it one by one
                var _drawing = drawingsEnum.Current as TSD.Drawing;  //particular drawing
		//and finally set number as "DRAWING.USERDEFINED.Page" UDA property.
		_drawing.SetUserProperty("Page", i.ToString()); //change "Page" to name of your UDA
	return i;

What if architect goes mad, and change facade again and again? 

I Really like 2D array component for Tekla Structures, not only because it was done by me, but because from time to time it brings surprises. This pictures provided as conclusion after additional implementation in custom project. All geometry on these pictures done by 2D array component and default cutting component. Which means – all what you see is just two components. Bellow a little bit more interesting examples.

Continue reading “What if architect goes mad, and change facade again and again? “

Tekla Custom Inquiry macro script

Tekla Structures custom inquire toolOne of the main advantages of Tekla Structure is ability to get full necessary info about any part of model in couple clicks. I really appreciate this thing but all default tools has some disadvantages.

For example default Inquire return complete info about selected Entity, but about only one item per time, and only after user request. Custom Inquire – from Tools menu – is mach more flexible, but also – only one item, and  there is no way to get UDA.

Organizer tool from the same menu – is pretty cool. But at the same time it’s pretty slow, and could freeze model for couple minutes.

Reports, is awesome, but not interactive at all and require special skills and time to get used to with Template Editor.

Let’s make our own custom Inquire, and it’s qute easy with C# and Tekla Open API.

In one of previous articles was provided Tekla API Envents example from Tekla OpenAPI reference. Why not to make macro based on this feature?

All what we have to do is:

  • Make a form
  • Sign this form on Tekla Event
  • Grab data from Tekla each time when event appears
  • Show it to user, in on a form
  • Pack all this thing in Tekla MacroScript

Simple, and this macro could be downloaded under cut: Continue reading “Tekla Custom Inquiry macro script”